Holiday Reflections

Holiday Reflections

Over the years, I have written a number of reflections on different aspects of Advent and Christmas.  I have collected these reflections here, hoping to give you, the reader, some food for thought during the holiday season.

Advent Sermons
  • Preparing the Way - How can we "prepare the way of the Lord"? (Second Sunday)
  • Christlike Love - What can we learn from the two people chosen to be the earthly parents of the Son of God? (Fourth Sunday)

Advent Reflections
  • The Darkness Before the Dawn - While most of us are immersed in the Christmas shopping season, the Church is observing something called Advent.
  • An Advent Prayer - As we light candles during Advent, may we not forget those who long to see the Light.
  • Back to the Start - The church calendar ends where it begins, with a time of waiting, longing, and expectation.
  • Weapons, Tools, and a Golden Rule - Advent is a season of anticipation.  Are we really ready for what we're anticipating?
  • Wolves and Lambs - A prophet envisioned a Kingdom where wolves and lambs live together in peace.  How is that even possible?
  • A Highway in the Wilderness - A voice in Heaven calls for a highway to be built in the wilderness, and a voice in the wilderness calls people to build a highway into their hearts.
  • Be the Voice - A voice cried out in the wilderness to prepare the way for Christ.  How can we help "prepare the way" wherever we find ourselves?
  • What Should We Do? - Advent is a time of preparation, so how do we prepare?
  • What Are You Expecting? - The season of Advent is a time of hopeful expectation, but do any of us really know what to expect?

Christmas Reflections
  • Theotokos - In some parts of the Church, the Virgin Mary is called Theotokos, which means "God-bearer."  Might anyone else be called to be a "God-bearer"?
  • The Christlike Parents of Jesus - What kind of people were chosen to raise the Son of God?
  • The Christmas Scandal - A typical Nativity scene consists of a radiant infant, two prayerfully pious parents, some well-groomed shepherds, and a few well-behaved animals.  I just don't think it all does justice to the holy mess that is the Christmas story.
  • A New and Glorious Morn - The Christmas Songs I've come to appreciate are those that not only retell the story of Christmas but also explore the implications of Christ's birth.
  • No Crying He Makes? - One beloved Christmas carol suggests that, as a baby, Jesus didn't cry.  Should we believe that?
  • You Have a Drum - The story of a poor boy who had nothing to offer the Newborn King but a drum solo offers us a powerful message about our lives.
  • In Defense of "Mary, Did You Know?" - Some love the popular Christmas song "Mary, Did You Know?" and some find it condescending.  In the end, it's meant to point us to Christ.
  • Why I Still Believe in Santa Claus - Is Santa Claus real?  Does he work at the North Pole or at the mall?  Will the real St. Nick please stand up?
  • Tale of a Furry Green Cynic - The Grinch hated the Whos, and he hated Christmas.  What was his problem?
  • Unlikely Messengers - What happens when "the worst kids in the history of the world" are cast in the lead roles in a Christmas pageant?  A bunch of stuffy church folk gain a whole new appreciation for the Christmas story!
  • We Need Some Light - In dark days, the world needs some light.
  • The (Hum)Bug in My Ear - I wish that people cared as much about helping the poor as they do about buying Christmas presents and that people were as concerned about honoring Christ as they are about some imaginary "war on Christmas."
  • Christmas Is for the Poor - Christ came to earth for the poor, but poor can mean a number of different things.
  • How to Truly Keep Christ in Christmas - "Keeping Christ in Christmas" means a lot more than making sure everyone's greetings are correct.

Epiphany Reflections

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