

While I was working at my first job as a professional computer programmer, dissatisfaction with my work drove me to begin exploring another vocation, and I began speaking at my church. I originally started this site to post the sermons I have preached.
  • The Heart of the Matter - With gritted teeth, we can do what we are required to do, but the heart of the matter is really a matter of the heart.
  • The Man in the Tree - Jesus had a way of making the excluded feel included.  A simple act of inclusion can change a person's life.
  • Take Courage! - The journey of faith requires courage when the failures and disappointments of the past weigh upon us.
  • The Chasms Between Us - Jesus once told a story about a rich man and a beggar who were separated by a great chasm.  There are many chasms in the world that separate people from each other.
  • From Sinai to Zion - There are many images of God.  Which image has formed your understanding of God?
  • The Journey of Faith - Faith is more than a system of beliefs.  It is a lifelong journey we take in community with others.
  • Asking, Searching, and Knocking - Jesus taught us to ask that we may receive, to search that we may find, and to knock that the door may be opened.  What did He mean?
  • One Thing - This is a message about a wayward son, an unhelpful sister, and a "thorn" that won't go away.  What ties them together?  One thing.
  • God of the Valley - In the journey of life, we will see mountaintops and valleys, but we will never walk alone.
  • A Light in the Darkness - Life can be dark at times, but, in spite of the darkness, a Light is still shining.
  • Where is God? - The Bible describes a number of different places where the Presence of God was found.  What do these places tell us about God and about our relationship to God?
  • Now What? - What do we do when we find ourselves stuck between what was and what is yet to come?
  • Thomas the Believer - Is doubt the enemy of our faith, or is doubt actually a part of the journey of faith?
  • Dying to Live - Christians use the phrase "dying to self" as a metaphor for surrender.  Is it possible that there might be more to gain than there is to lose?
  • All Things to All People - We say that we can't be "all things to all people."  St. Paul claimed that he had done so.  What did he mean?
  • We Are All Priests - Are you a Christian who has absolutely no intention of ever going into the ministry?  Guess what: you're already in the ministry!
  • Why Bother? - We've all been tempted to say "Why bother?" at some point in our lives, but maybe we're too quick to throw in the towel.
  • A God-Sized Gospel - The word Gospel literally means "Good News."  With that in mind, can we honestly say that what many Christians tell the world is good news?
  • For All Who Are Thirsty - I once felt as though I ought to have a noble reason for seeking God, but then I realized that I've always been a beggar looking for bread - or maybe "living water."
  • A Brighter, Zestier World - Jesus once said, "You are the salt of the earth," and, "You are the light of the world."  What did He mean by that?
  • Traveling with a Limp - As Christians, how should we relate to people who are struggling spiritually?
  • Above, Beside, and Within - What is the Trinity?  What does the doctrine of the Trinity say about our relationship to God?
  • What We All Need to Hear - When Jesus was baptized, He heard some very important words from His Father, words that we all need to hear.
  • Not of This World - Christ said that His Kingdom is "not of this world." What did He mean by that?
  • In Tune with Christ - What does it mean to be humble?
  • The Measure of Success - In the past, preachers have promised that obedience to God will result in happiness and financial success.  How should a follower of Christ measure success?
  • Guilty of Love - If following Jesus Christ were illegal, what would it take to be found guilty?
  • Bigger than Taxes - Jesus was once asked whether or not it was right to pay taxes to the Roman Emperor. Beneath the surface of this question was another question: Whose side are you on?
  • Redefining Possible - Jesus commanded His disciples to, "cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, and cast out demons."  If we follow Jesus, are we expected to do the same?  How?
  • Not Like Us - As humans, we do not always do what is right, but God is not like us.
  • A Pharisee and a Harlot - What does St. Luke's account of Jesus' anointing tell us about Christianity in the 21st century?
  • We Are Lepers - The Gospel tells us numerous stories of Jesus' healing people with leprosy.  How do these stories relate to our own relationship with Jesus?
  • Simeon and Anna - Two prophets waited their entire lives to see their Messiah. Like them, we wait for our Messiah to return.

Old Versions of Sermons
  • Now What? - What do we do when we find ourselves stuck between what was and what is to come? (originally written in 2014 for a sister congregation going through a time of transition and revised in 2015 for my own congregation during a similar transition)
  • Take Courage! - 2500 years ago, one prophet delivered a message to a group of people who were feeling discouraged.  Perhaps this same prophet has something to say to us today.  (originally written in 2013 and revised in 2016)
  • The Journey of Faith - Faith is not a mere system of beliefs but a lifelong journey.  (originally written in 2013 and expanded in 2016)
  • One Thing - One evening, a woman named Martha was worried about a lot of things.  Jesus told her that only one thing was needed.  What is this one thing?  (originally written in 2013 and revised in 2016)
  • Where is God? - In the Bible, we read about a number of different places in which the Presence of God was found. What do these places tell us about our relationship to God? (originally written in 2012 and revised in 2015)
  • A Crisis of Calling - I have come to realize that a one's calling is not necessarily found in one's career but rather in the day-to-day aspects of life. (originally written 2011 to meet the requirements of a Lay Speaking class and rewritten in 2014 as "We Are All Priests")
  • Thomas the Believer - Is doubt a sign of disbelief, or is it a chance to grow in faith? (originally written in 2009 and rewritten in 2015)

Other Speeches
  • Just One Person - Parting words for my graduating class. How much can one person really do?